Oriental Rug Cleaning Miami
Oriental rugs are hand-knotted and come in a rich variety of patterns and colors. They are unique and have an unmistakable look to them.
The rugs are woven by hand using a loom, and when you think of all the work involved with them, they require special care. They’re rugs of value and each rug’s particular pattern and weave is tied up with its indigenous culture.
Even though every effort is made to keep these beautiful rugs looking as bright and vibrant as when they were new, they eventually do begin to look tired and listless.
They can’t just be dipped into warm water and washed with soap like other regular rugs. The result will be a stiff, hard rug that has possibly shrunk and with colors that have run into each other. Your worst nightmare – your investment rug in ruins.
Gentle care to Ensure No Damage
Oriental rugs require extreme care – also to ensure that the delicate fibers aren’t damaged. They require Oriental rug specialists who understand the gentle cleaning procedures they require.
These rug specialists have been waging war against dirt and germs in rugs and carpets for ages and they know the precise cleaning procedures to ensure the rugs are restored to ‘like new’.
Silk- or wool rugs are susceptible to bleeding, and Miami rug cleaning specialists first test your rug and its colors for colorfastness. Making use of brooms, brushes and vacuums, they make sure that all dust and ingrained dirt is removed. They use softened water and gentle eco-friendly cleaning products to remove every stain.
The rugs are then thoroughly rinsed and the drying process has to be quick. The rug is then gently combed and preened till it is soft, bright and vibrant. The rugs are then delivered back to their thrilled owners.
At Antique Rug Cleaning Inc, we’ve had many people come to us bringing their faded, damaged rugs that other so-called rug professionals have messed up. You have to do careful research to find people who are genuine rug specialists if you want anything done properly.
We build Strong ‘Rug-Related’ Relationships
As a result of our excellent Oriental rug cleaning services, we have built many rug-cleaning bridges with heaps of customers and these will never be broken while we continue to offer such excellence.
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